Remember the abnormal sound caused by the falling off of the exhaust pipe lifting lug

 September 9, 2024
The origin of the record of today’s post is also coincidental. At the beginning, the 1-4 pictures at the beginning of the article were not intended to be written as a post, just to record the situation of rubbing when we backed up. But unexpectedly, this photo record became the beginning of this post.

The source of today’s strange noise is also the sequela caused by parking collision. I hope my experience of collision this time can serve as a reminder to everyone and avoid taking fewer detours in the future.

Without saying much, let’s start today’s abnormal noise homework.

Due to the narrow parking space a few days ago, Heilang suffered a slight injury when he accidentally backed up when parking.

As you can see from the picture above, the length of the whole parking space is about half a meter longer than Heilang. I didn’t think much about it when I parked in it at that time. I just thought that my ten-year driving experience must be a small kiss for this parking space. Unexpectedly, my overconfidence became the “fuse” of this post.

When I was backing up in the car at that time, I heard a noise and immediately got out of the car to check the situation. fortunately, the paint on the bumper was not damaged, but the position of the exhaust pipe was damaged.

You can see the position on the left side of the exhaust pipe mouth, showing a red background paint. At that time, I also looked carefully at the area around the exhaust hole. I didn’t see any other damage, so I didn’t think much about it, so I locked the car and left.
Unexpectedly, this is where the strange noise started.

There was not much problem with driving during the day, but there was a problem when driving at night. The sound of “Ding Ding” could be heard when driving at a speed of more than 60 yards, especially when you slammed on the brakes. I was afraid of this sense of driving in the dead of night.

I found a closed road and tested it, and I felt that the sound was coming from the bottom of the car, and I also got down to check the bottom of the car, but I couldn’t see clearly at night, and I couldn’t see why. I had no choice but to drive back, but fortunately I was not far from home.

PS: so far, I didn’t know that the noise was caused by me rubbing against the exhaust pipe.

The next day, I hurriedly went to the store with this abnormal noise problem to check, so the feeling of driving was very heart-wrenching. Contact the master in advance, the master has already come before entering the workshop, first test drive with me to hear what this sound is all about.

The test drive took only a few minutes, and during the test drive, the master said that he almost knew what the noise was. Ask me if there has been any rubbing on the exhaust pipe of my car recently (is it such a coincidence that I was saying in my heart at that time? )

We HeiLang did not enter the workshop, the master directly at the door of the lift to check the reason.

I have been to this store so many times, but this is the first time I have used this elevator.

After the car was in place, the master slipped into the bottom of the car and began to check.

While I was secretly observing yesterday’s collision, the master was already calling me, saying that the problem should be found.

Can you guess what caused the noise?

What the master refers to is the root cause of this abnormal noise, the abnormal noise caused by the falling off of the ear of the exhaust pipe.

I was a little confused when I saw the falling ears at that time. How could this happen? I thought that when I touched this exhaust pipe yesterday, the force of the touch should be very great, but I didn’t feel the big rub myself.

Asked the master whether this needs to be replaced, the master said that there is no need to change, just card back on the line, let me not worry.

The master’s hands and feet were so sharp that he was stuck back before I knew it.

We have to take a comparative picture of the lugs before and after installation to see the cause and effect before and after.

The length of the exhaust pipe is as long as the car (the exhaust pipe is bent and twisted, which is as long as the car body after straightening). Because of the length of the exhaust pipe, there are many position lugs in the fixed exhaust pipe, and the position of the exhaust pipe is fixed through the lugs, but most of these lugs are fixed between rubber and metal. If the exhaust pipe is rubbed, it will generally cause the lugs to fall off, which is a normal phenomenon. The master helped to check the lifting lugs in other parts, and no other problems were found.

After the lifting lug is reset and installed, do not think it is over, but also have to test again to verify whether the abnormal noise caused by this.

After the test drive with the master again, the abnormal noise before coming to the store really disappeared without a trace, and the master’s judgment before operation was correct, and he was really an old driver.

When it comes to this kind of picture, the assignment of the whole abnormal noise is over. With regard to the zero cost of this inspection operation, it is an old acquaintance, and the master said it is not necessary.
We still have to nag at the end, and the source of the noise is caused by careless rubbing, reminding everyone that if something doesn’t feel right when driving, you should check it in time and don’t let yourself be nervous about driving. In addition, the lifting lug falls off, but the shedding of a single lifting lug will not affect the exhaust pipe, that is, there is a problem of abnormal noise, but the problem should be solved in time.

I hope that the strange noise caused by my little touch, such as similar riders, will go to check to see if they are the same as me and take fewer detours.

The information text in the article is purely personal understanding, and it is troublesome to give advice on what is wrong.

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