[Daily car maintenance] The most miserable Mercedes-Benz (S400 Hybrid)

 September 10, 2024
The store recently revamped a Mercedes-Benz S400 hybrid, and the owner found that we wanted to change the hybrid back to a pure fuel car. The owner of the car told the sad history of the maintenance of this car, let’s start with the purchase of this car. The landing price of this W221 hybrid was more than 1 million that year, and that configuration, how awesome the technology was publicized at that time. As the old saying goes, good time is the standard for testing everything, sure enough. The high-voltage battery of the vehicle was broken in the first year, but fortunately, the more than 100,000 accessories were under warranty, so you don’t have to pay out of your own pocket for a false alarm. There was nothing wrong with the normal use in the second year. Just after the 3-year warranty period of the vehicle, one of the shock absorbers was broken, and ten thousand dollars was gone.Just after changing the shock absorber for the fourth year, there was a gas leak in front of the shock absorber, and the shock absorber was gone again out of his own pocket. The car continued to drive, and the boss did not sell any other cars except buns in the warehouse. In the fifth year, the hybrid motor broke down at its own expense and replaced tens of thousands of motors in the 4S. In the sixth year, two rear shock absorbers were replaced. In the second half of the year, the vehicle jitter burner oil bright fault point inspection found that the cylinder-pulling overhaul engine was tens of thousands more. In the summer of the seventh year, the air conditioner failed, and it was not cheap to check whether the electric air conditioner was broken. It was not cheap. Then the vehicle was occasionally unable to start and found that the voltage converter AC/DC was damaged. The car owner felt that the repair was not safe, so tens of thousands of new ones were gone. in the eighth year, the vehicle sometimes failed in the sun, and sometimes it was normal and sometimes abnormal. It was found that the high-voltage battery module reported a fault, and after inspection, the failure of the high-voltage battery was estimated to be a battery problem. Either repair or replacement, repair cheap but not safe in case of explosion, the replacement is more than 100,000. The car before and after the 4S store plus outside maintenance costs about hundreds of thousands of maintenance costs, the most expensive is the hybrid system, almost all over. Heartache ah, this money is not hung by the strong wind, it is not easy to make money these days, but the car can not lie down, the most exasperating thing is to come to the nest coldly after being repaired.I have to say that the maintenance fee is worthy of this Mercedes-Benz. Therefore, it is recognized that the most unprotected Mercedes-Benz is the W221 hybrid S400, which is the most expensive and least valuable for maintenance. Then came the story of us and this car.
The owner did not want to cause the car to lie down again because of the failure of the hybrid system, so the beginning of the story wanted us to change the vehicle back to a pure fuel vehicle, and soon I came up with a retrofit plan. It is necessary to remove the complete set of components of the hybrid system and install the parts needed for the pure fuel vehicle. As the store has other work to do during the day, only at night to do this work, the time adds up to 3 to 4 days, need to install motors, transform water pumps, modify circuits, wait for a wave of operation, and process some parts that cannot be purchased. The most troublesome thing is in the circuit and software. After a period of normal use after the transformation, the car owner was very satisfied with the renovation plan and finally got rid of the nightmare of the car not lying down.

Make an appointment to start revamping the vehicle.

After the transformation of the vehicle static test everything is normal, followed by the road test.

In the process of transformation, the power system needs to be removed.

Take it down in half a day.

The parts that need to be installed and the parts removed.

The accessories on the power system are not all the same, and then it will take time to reinstall the modified power system.

The new ABS pump ordered is guaranteed for 2 years.

Order a brand new electric device for air conditioning pump.

The two pumps are different.

Qualified goods, this is not a dismantling part.

One on the back of the pump.

Hybrid motor

After assembly, test the startup system in place.

Install the gearbox

Revamping the line.

Continue to revamp the line.

The transformation of the line can not be separated from the line diagram.

Check the parts carefully.


There is something wrong with the line that needs to be fixed.

The whole part is normal after line troubleshooting.

Special software is required to modify vehicle configuration (engineer)

The modified vehicle hybrid system is gone.

After the road test without any abnormality, the transformation is successful.

The car owner drove the car away with joy and finally said goodbye to the damn chicken rib mix. The transformation is completely completed.

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