Teach you how to remove body scratches

 September 14, 2024
The car has been driving for three years, and it’s inevitable that it’s scratched all over it. I woke up this morning and saw that the hood was scratched by a cat. Three threads, sad,,,,, scratched from head to tail, it’s too ugly. Fortunately, it’s not too deep. It’s helpful. I didn’t need Datongbao to exchange a bottle of scratch wax from Datong Mall. Not to mention, the effect was surprisingly good. After using it, it couldn’t be seen at all. Thanks to the Datong manufacturer’s mall

Look at the three long lines

Fortunately, it’s not deep

The main reason is that the reflections taken from the sky reflection photos are not very clear, but they are particularly obvious when viewed in reality.

The entire hood was wrapped round by the cat. Thanks to the eight generations of cat.

Use the scratch wax exchanged by Datongbao from Datong Mall

Reverse usage instructions

Wash the car with clean water first, and wash off all the gravel and dust

Start waxing

Wipe with a sponge in a fish scale manner

like this

Play it again

the third time

Then wash it with clean water

Small surprise, I saw that the parts where the scratch wax has been used do not touch water. It is transparent and the effect is good

The scratches are completely invisible

Liang did not

The paint finish has been restored and the scratches have disappeared. Thanks to Chase

Completely invisible, clear

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