Provide six guarantees for Xiaolang before 2021

 September 17, 2024
It has been some time since the maintenance time, but it is relatively short compared to the maintenance time of the fifth guarantee. Since this year is busy and the work location has also been moved, there are relatively many roads to run. After the fifth guarantee, it is 25486 kilometers, and now it is 33631 kilometers, so it will be maintained in time in less than half a year. This maintenance cycle may be clear to many old drivers, such as don’t spray if you can’t write well below.
After making the appointment, I drove Xiaolang to the store for maintenance on the morning of February 7. After arriving, I asked the appointment consultant to check and bill at the appointment time.
Because there are many cars at the end of the New Year and there are few masters, we can only wait in the store.
It was a long time before we arrived. The after-sales consultant Qu Sheng said that you should eat here. Everything here is free. Since it is almost 12 o’clock, I had a meal here. Although the taste is average, the service is still worthy of praise.

A delicious four-S meal…

After eating immediately, I went to the workshop and saw Xiao Lang entering the workstation…

Lift Xiao Lang up, remove the engine compartment chassis and drain the oil…

The master put in oil for Xiaolang…

The master installed the cabin bottom cover for Xiao Lang…

The master checked the tires and pumped up for Xiaolang…

After putting in the oil, he put Xiao Lang down and changed the oil. Just like last time, he replaced the fully synthetic black diamond oil.

The master added engine oil to Xiaolang…

The master added glass water to Xiao Lang…

The master cleaned the air conditioning filter element for Xiao Lang…
After changing the oil, the master also tested the air conditioning compartment, brake fluid, spark plug, high-pressure pack and tires for Xiaolang. Since the master had a holiday and only the apprentices were there, he had to change the oil first this time. Since the Chinese New Year is still in two days, the maintenance this time is simplified. The master told me that the tires also had cracks and needed to be replaced. My heart suddenly felt sad. Xiaolang has become so weak in the past two months, so we usually drive slowly when driving. Start and change. Tires that often brake sharply or turn too fast will suffer certain damage.
Generally, regular vehicle maintenance is to carry out maintenance items such as troubleshooting, cleaning, oil replacement, and parts replacement of the car. These items select different parts and prices according to each rider’s model, vehicle condition and maintenance manual. For example, the car is only used for commuting and not far away. If the local environment is good, maintenance is generally carried out every 5000 kilometers. The maintenance items and prices are relatively small, and the loss of the same parts and components is also determined according to the vehicle situation. For old drivers who have been running at high speeds for a long time or have good cars, they usually have to maintain them every time of about 7,000 – 10,000. Because they work in another city, they have also replaced all-in black diamond oil when running on the road this year. The number of kilometers is almost up. When I got on the highway, I saw the maintenance warning light showing a wrench. I asked some riders and said that I could still run more than 2000 kilometers. However, I saw the alarm and often run at high speeds, I had to make all safety preparations for Xiaolang in advance. Compared with this group of motorists, due to factors such as good vehicle technology, good vehicle maintenance, and good vehicle environment, the maintenance time can be extended appropriately. The total maintenance cost this time is 733.65 yuan, but it is already nearly 10,000 kilometers, which is still worth it.

maintenance order

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