It’s time to replace old Varta batteries with new Varta batteries!

 September 17, 2024
I am an old Citroen owner, this car has been driving for 9 years, during the run of 110,000 to 20,000 kilometers, the original battery due to the baptism of the years, fell down. Subsequently, friends recommended to install the Valta blue standard battery. After a period of twists and turns, the battery ran nearly 100,000 kilometers. The battery is really durable, but after all, it is close to the mileage of the original battery. To be on the safe side, replace the new battery as soon as possible. This time the plan is to replace the Valta blue standard battery, after all, the quality is really obvious to all!
As soon as I thought of changing the battery, I stopped by to see if the nearby Valta store was open. Unexpectedly, someone went directly in and asked the master to change the battery.
Let’s start with a front picture of old Citroen.
Now that he had agreed to change the battery with the master, the master buzzed and began to remove the old battery. The action was so fast that I didn’t even have time to take a picture. This photo has the feeling that this place only leaves an empty Yellow Crane Tower.
The master tested 100% of the health status of the new Valta blue standard battery and confirmed that the new battery was correct.

When the old battery was removed, the master tested the health of the battery and said it could continue to be used. But then again, although it can still be used, it has already driven 100,000 kilometers, which is close to the kilometer run of the original battery, so it is time to change it.

The size of the new battery was compared with that of the old battery, and the master was ready to install it after it was confirmed.
Give old Citroen a side azimuth close-up!
Another close-up at the tail! The license plate is a little dazzling.
Take some close-ups of the car, the master has almost installed a new battery, this speed is really fast! The master said that I am a regular customer of Valta, and I believe I still have a lot of trust in the Valta battery. I said yes, I also know a lot about Valta, and many luxury cars are originally equipped with Valta. Moreover, it has a long service life and a good reputation, which is the most important reason why I chose Valta again.
Battery installation
As the last lock was installed, the battery was installed, and the new Valta battery and my old car felt a bit of a visual impact.
Finally, the master tested the installation of the battery, after starting, confirm that there is no problem, the installation is over! The whole process seems to have taken less than half an hour, and the replacement speed is really faster than I expected.

The master said, don’t worry, there is one most important thing.

Quality assurance policy, now Valta is an electronic warranty, and the warranty of Valta blue standard battery is 18 months, from now on, until the end of the warranty, as long as there is something wrong with the battery, you can find them to replace it at any time. This is a benefit given by the manufacturer. If you use a Valta battery, don’t forget this benefit. But then again, the Valta battery is so powerful that there is no problem even after driving 100,000 kilometers. I estimate that this battery can still be used for a long time, and the warranty period may not wait. But one more warranty, one more guarantee, isn’t it? I can feel a lot of peace of mind!

All right, it’s almost over here. Look, it’s too late. The child has just fallen asleep in the car and hasn’t eaten yet. By the way, take the child to have a midnight snack to replenish his energy.

Haha, are you greedy? Finally, I wish you all a happy life!

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