Leaked antifreeze belt replacement

 September 4, 2024
Last week, it was discovered that an antifreeze alarm began to appear about 20 kilometers after the start. After parking, it was found that there was not much leakage, so we were ready to replenish some distilled water. Later, every time it was started, there would be an antifreeze alarm, so I went to the auto repair shop in front of my hometown for inspection and maintenance. I found that a water pipe was aging and the bakelite mouth was slightly cracked, so I asked the boss to arrange for parts to be replaced.
During the process, other vehicles replaced belts. I also checked my own belts and saw many small cracks. A few days ago, I saw the Gates Four-piece Set used by my fellow riders. The owner of the auto repair shop said that there was no problem with the other accessories and only replaced the belts.
After replacing the water pipes and belts this time, some antifreeze was added (the one we use now is not the original antifreeze), which cost a total of 660 yuan.
PS: I sprayed a bottle of cleaning agent to clear the air conditioner outlet, which caused a failure in the left front airbag. I will try to clear the fault code next week. If I can’t clear it, I’m really in debt.

Prompt to add coolant

Inspection saw traces of leakage from the water pipe on the left side of the engine evaporating on the metal plate below

Remove water pipes

Original Part Number

The rubber ring on the nozzle hardens and loses its elasticity

Bakelite pipe mouth aging

Newly arrived accessories, made in the Czech Republic

number and label


Replacement engine water pipes

The replaced engine water pipes have the same number as the original factory

Remove belt

Small cracks can be seen on the inside of the belt

There is no product brand logo and model number on the outside of the belt, and many small cracks can be seen.

New horse brand leather belt

Belt coding

Belt packaging

Belt surface coding

belt surface

A bottle of cleaning agent went down and caused an airbag failure…

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