Simply clean up annual inspection signs

 September 6, 2024
I believe many motorists have been troubled by cleaning the annual inspection signs on their car windshields, and I am one of them! I used to be a little white. After picking up the car, I quickly posted the annual inspection sign on the front windshield. Three years have passed, and it is really too difficult to clean up again.
Look at the annual inspection signs posted in 2017 that have begun to fall off
Just take it off. The sad thing is that the surface of the annual inspection sign is basically left on the front windshield, which is covered with residual glue, which is very difficult to clean.
Don’t use a blade or shovel to clean this. This is particularly easy to scratch the glass and upper windshield film, which will not outweigh the gain.
I heard that it was easier to clean with alcohol, so I thought that having alcohol wipes on the car should have the same effect, so I should give it a try
I tried applying an alcohol wipe on it for ten minutes, but only a little green paint came off, but it seemed that it would not work.
The neighbor in the car next door saw that I was cleaning this, so he specially brought this cleaner and said it was very easy to use, so let’s try it
Spray the cleaner on the towel first, not directly on the glass, to prevent the cleaner from being sprayed on the interior, causing the interior to discolor and cause irreversible consequences.
Gently wipe back and forth with a towel until the cleaning foam shows up. You can see that the effect is good and the most part has been cleaned.
Continue to start the second cleaning. With the experience of the first time, it will be much faster, and only the last small part is left.
Make three moves and five moves and divide two, and thoroughly clean up the annual inspection signs
After cleaning, wipe off the residual detergent on the glass with a paper towel to prevent the detergent from corroding the glass explosion-proof film.
With this profound lesson, you must add electrostatic stickers to put up logos in the future, which is easy to paste and clean and traceless!
Although the annual inspection sign may not seem eye-catching, it still takes a lot of time to actually clean it. It took nearly an hour to clean it up. It was really the wrong method and the efforts were in vain. Everyone have any good ways to share it together!

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