My little mute daily

 September 15, 2024

Recently, there are always some ardent people who post boring things, nothing much, just want to post things about vehicles, and they like everything. Some things don’t rely on fantasy and dreams. Finally, they bring the following photos to everyone to pay their respects in their old age and call this car a little dumb because the horn sounds so small haha

I just bought a car and looked very plain

First time on the shelves

It’s very noisy in the parking lot

The back is slippery

The arrogant taillights are extremely recognizable

Rear replacement wing-style original headlight

very fierce

radiant as ever

Parking with a few black brothers is indeed born of the same mother. He is a short person.

Every time I have to get a red-topped can for maintenance, I will glow after drinking it

The first time I put on the mask was so cold

I like the photo taken with my cousin Haoying

If there are no words, handsome is over

Sexy girl cleans car online??

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