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OsbornScott Release Time: June 30, 2024, 4:37 PM
    I'm a seasoned industrial engineer with a keen interest in machine learning. Here to share insights on latest industry trends.
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BenKit Release Time: March 22, 2024, 6:13 PM
Overfueling can result in engine blow-by. which is detrimental to the health of the engine. This occurs when there is an excess amount of oil present. causing foaming and reduced lubrication properties due to increased pressure in the crankcase. As a result. metal-to-metal contact may occur. resulting in a knocking sound. Furthermore. excessive oil may seep into the combustion chamber. leading to spark plug fouling and irregular combustion. also contributing to engine knocking. To prevent these issues. it is important to follow the manufacturer's recommended oil level and use the dipstick to ensure it is not overflowing when changing the oil. If you suspect that too much oil has been added. draining the excess is recommended to maintain optimal engine performance and longevity.
OrvilleKipling Release Time: July 5, 2024, 8:48 AM
Yes, it is generally okay to wash a car's engine, but it must be done carefully to avoid damaging sensitive components. Modern engines are designed to withstand some exposure to moisture, but direct high-pressure water can force water into electrical connectors and parts, potentially causing issues. Before washing, ensure the engine is cool and cover sensitive areas such as the alternator, air intake, and engine control unit. Use a degreaser for heavy grime, applying it according to the manufacturer's instructions. Rinse gently with low-pressure water or a damp cloth. It's advisable to do it in a well-ventilated area and not too frequently to prevent corrosion. Consulting your car's manual for specific advice or having a professional do it can prevent any unintended damage.
MyrnaPound Release Time: July 3, 2024, 1:14 PM
Not typically. Reduced engine power is often a sign of mechanical issues such as a malfunctioning sensor, a clogged catalytic converter, or problems with the throttle body. These issues are usually unrelated to the oil in the engine. However, regular oil changes are important for overall engine health and performance. If the oil is old or dirty, it could potentially cause various engine performance issues. So while an oil change might help your vehicle run more smoothly, it's unlikely to fix a reduced engine power problem. Anytime you see a reduced engine power warning light, it's best to take your vehicle to a qualified mechanic for a diagnosis and repair.