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PrimaSam Release Time: June 28, 2024, 3:26 PM
A knocking engine, also known as engine knock, detonation, pinging or spark knock, refers to a specific type of abnormal combustion in the engine. It usually happens when the air-fuel mixture inside the cylinders detonates in more than one place at a time. This may result in a knocking or pinging sound, potential damage to the engine and reduced efficiency. It can be caused by several problems such as improper spark plugs, low octane fuel, timing issues, or an overheated engine.
StaceyDickey Release Time: March 30, 2024, 3:25 PM
Low oil level itself typically won't trigger the check engine light (CEL) directly; however, the consequences of running on low oil can lead to conditions that may activate the CEL. The engine relies on oil for lubrication, cooling, and cleaning. Insufficient oil can cause overheating, increased friction, and even mechanical damage. Modern vehicles are equipped with various sensors monitoring the engine's health, including oil pressure sensors. A significant drop in oil pressure – which can result from low oil levels – might trigger a warning or the oil pressure light rather than the CEL. However, if low oil levels lead to severe engine issues, such as overheating or misfires, these conditions can indeed trigger the CEL. It’s crucial to check oil levels regularly and address any drops in oil level or oil pressure warnings promptly to prevent damage and avoid triggering the CEL indirectly through consequential damage.
CelesteMotley Release Time: July 2, 2024, 7:26 AM
A blinking engine light is a serious warning from your vehicle's onboard diagnostics system indicating a severe engine misfire. This misfire can lead to unburnt fuel passing into the exhaust system, potentially damaging the catalytic converter, a costly component. Unlike a steadily illuminated check engine light, which suggests you should have the car checked soon, a blinking light means the issue is critical and needs immediate attention to prevent further damage. It's advisable to reduce power usage (e.g., by turning off the air conditioning) and have the vehicle inspected by a professional as soon as possible.
SidneyEdith Release Time: March 19, 2024, 5:33 PM
In the event that your vehicle's check engine light flashes. you should stop it as safely as possible and have it inspected and repaired immediately.