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PoppyStrachey Release Time: July 2, 2024, 5:16 AM
The Sterling Heights Assembly Plant (SHAP) in Michigan, a key facility operated by Stellantis, mainly produces the Chrysler 200 until its discontinuation in 2017. Following a significant investment and retooling, the plant shifted focus to manufacturing the Ram 1500, particularly the all-new models designed to meet evolving consumer demands in the competitive light-duty truck segment. This move was part of a broader strategy by Stellantis to optimize its production footprint in North America, aiming at enhancing efficiency and focusing on high-demand vehicle categories. By adapting to market trends and consumer preferences, the Sterling Heights Assembly Plant ensures it remains a vital component of Stellantis' global manufacturing operations, contributing significantly to the company's footprint in the automotive sector.
SigridClare Release Time: March 19, 2024, 5:36 PM
Chrysler 200 and Ram 1500 Classic are manufactured at FCA's Sterling Heights Assembly Plant. However. the Chrysler 200 was discontinued in 2017. so the Ram 1500 Classic is now the primary vehicle produced there.
OmarMartha Release Time: July 3, 2024, 12:35 PM
Running a boat engine out of water, specifically an outboard motor, requires using a device known as a "flush muffs" or "ear muffs." This device attaches to the water intakes on the lower unit of the engine and is connected to a garden hose. Before starting the engine, ensure the muffs are securely in place and water is flowing. This method simulates the engine’s natural cooling process, just as if it were submerged in water, preventing overheating. It's commonly done for maintenance purposes, such as winterizing the engine or checking its operation after repairs. Always refer to the engine’s manual for specific recommendations and follow safety procedures to prevent damage to the engine or injury.
WandaHoyle Release Time: June 30, 2024, 11:54 AM
Yes, AutoZone provides a service to diagnose your check engine light for free. This is a helpful initial step in troubleshooting automotive issues, as the check engine light can indicate a range of problems from minor to severe. When you bring your vehicle to AutoZone, an employee will use an OBD-II scanner to read the codes generated by your car's computer. These codes can identify specific issues, giving you a clearer understanding of what might be wrong. However, it's important to note that while AutoZone can provide codes and possible issues, they do not perform mechanical services or repairs. After receiving the diagnostic information, you may need to take your vehicle to a professional mechanic who can interpret the codes further and carry out any necessary repairs. This service from AutoZone is particularly useful for car owners to have an initial insight into their vehicle's condition before seeking more thorough assistance.