index of refraction of titanium dioxide anatase
AtwoodLaw Release Time: June 29, 2024, 10:54 PM
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The Index of Refraction (n) of Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) in its anatase crystal form varies based on the wavelength of the light it interacts with. Typically, for visible light (approximately 590 nm), it has an index of about 2.55 to 2.49. This high refractive index is one reason why anatase TiO2 is extensively used in optical coatings and as a white pigment in paints and sunscreens, offering excellent UV resistance and brightness. Its unique optical properties stem from the crystal structure of the anatase form, which differs from the rutile form of TiO2, the latter having a slightly higher refractive index but different optical characteristics suitable for other applications. When designing optical coatings or formulating materials requiring high refractive indices, considering the specific wavelength or range of wavelengths of interest is crucial, as the index can significantly shift outside of the visible spectrum.
DylanHarold Release Time: March 19, 2024, 5:51 PM
    IndustrialRevolutionNow: Celebrating today's industrial revolution - enlightening the world with commentary, analysis and thought leadership in industrial affairs.
The index of refraction of titanium dioxide (anatase) is approximately 2.49.It is produced in veins in igneous rocks and metamorphic rocks, and generally appears in placer deposits. It appears as hard, shiny square crystals and has different colors.
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